Network Dentist Credentialing Program

All network dentists must pass a qualifying (or credentialing) process before they are admitted to our network and allowed to treat patients. The following is a description of the process the dentist must complete. Once the dentist is credentialed, he/she is recredentialed every three years, based on dental industry standards.

Credentialing Requirements Primary/Secondary Source Verification

State license

State Board of Dental Examiners (BODEX)

DEA1 certificate (except orthodontists) or controlled substance certificate (if applicable)

National Technology Information Services web site, BODEX, applicable state agency or copy of certificates

Graduation from dental school


Specialty training verification (if applicable)

Specialty licensure or American Dental Association (ADA) Master File2 or copy of certificate

Professional liability insurance

Copy of declaration page or binder

Controlled substance certificate (if applicable)

BODEX, applicable state agency or copy of certificate

Application and contract

Both must be signed by the dentist

1Drug Enforcement Administration

2Directory published by the ADA that shows dentists' schools of graduation, specialties, and ADA membership

We also verify the following during the initial credentialing process.

Additional Credentialing Requirements Checked
Malpractice coverage
Detailed malpractice history
Detailed history of disciplinary action or litigation, if any
Detailed history of conviction for fraud or felony, if any
Availability of staff certified in CPR
Adherence to accept and treat patients in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and professionally recognized standards of dental practice
Emergency treatment within 24 hours

A dentist who does not meet these standards will not be included in the network.

CignaPlus Savings® is a dental discount program that provides members access to discounted fees, pursuant to schedules negotiated by Cigna Dental with participating dentists, which members are responsible for paying in full, directly to participating dentists. Cigna Dental refers to Cigna Dental Health, Inc. and Connecticut General Life Insurance Company.

Although all participating dentists go through a credentialing process to assure that they are appropriately licensed and qualified, Cigna Dental does not otherwise guarantee nor is it responsible for the quality of any services or products purchased by members.

Cigna Dental, 8100 S.W. 10th Street, Suite #2000 Plantation, FL 33324. Telephone: 877.521.0244.